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We review experimental and theoretical results on thermal transport in semiconductor nanostructures (multilayer thin films, core/shell and segmented nanowires), single- and few-layer graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide, and black phosphorus. Different possibilities of phonon engineering for optimization of electrical and heat conductions are discussed. The role of the phonon energy spectra modification on the thermal conductivity in semiconductor nanostructures is revealed. The dependence of thermal conductivity in graphene and related two-dimensional (2D) materials on temperature, flake size, defect concentration, edge roughness, and strain is analyzed.
Rapid miniaturization of electronic devices to nanoscale range requires new approaches for efficient management of their heat and electrical conductions. One of these approaches, referred to as phonon engineering,[1] is related to optimization of thermal and electronic properties of nanodimensional structures via modification of their phonon properties.[1–3] At the end of the previous century, several research groups have demonstrated that many phonon confined branches appear in energy spectra of homogeneous semiconductor thin films and nanowires,[4–9] leading to change in phonon density of states (PDOS) and reduction of average phonon group velocity in comparison with the corresponding bulk materials.[7–9] The latter together with enhanced phonon boundary scattering results in decreasing of lattice thermal conductivity (TC). Balandin and Wang[7] have theoretically predicted that the lattice thermal conductivity of 10-nm-thick silicon film is by an order of magnitude smaller than that in bulk silicon at room temperature (RT). Five-times drop of lattice thermal conductivity was also theoretically predicted for Si nanowire with a diameter of 20 nm.[10] Subsequent independent theoretical studies[11–17] and experimental measurements of thermal conductivity in several nm-thick free-standing Si films, nanowires, and nanotubes[18–23] confirmed the initial predictions: strong reduction of lattice thermal conductivity as compared with that of bulk material.
More precise tuning of phonon properties and heat conduction at nanoscale can be realized in multilayer films (MFs) and core/shell nanowires (NWs).[24–35] The evolution of phonon energies in homogeneous silicon films and silicon films covered by diamond claddings is illustrated in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) Energy dispersions of the dilatational (SA) acoustic phonons in 2-nm thick free-standing Si slab (a), diamond/Si/diamond heterostructures with dimensions 1 nm/2 nm/1 nm (b) and 4 nm/2 nm/4 nm (c), and 2-nm thick Si slab with clamped boundaries (d). Reprinted with permission from Ref. [27] (copyright 2008 American Institute of Physics). |
Modification of phonon energy spectra and phonon density of states in MFs and core/shell NWs leads to significant change in average phonon group velocity
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Average phonon group velocity as a function of the phonon frequency for dilatational modes in rectangular GaN, GaN/AlN, and GaN/plastic nanowires. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [26] (copyright 2005 American Physical Society). |
The effect of shell layers on thermal conductivity of Si film is illustrated in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) Temperature dependence of phonon thermal conductivity in Si nanowires and Si/SiO2, Si/Pl, and Si/diamond core/shell nanowires. |
Segmented nanowires consisted of segments of different materials and shapes were recently proposed as efficient phonon filters, removing many phonon modes from the heat flux due to their trapping in nanowire segments.[17,29,32,35] Figure
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Phonon thermal conductivity as a function of the absolute temperature. Results are presented for Si NW, Si SMNW, and core/shell Si/Ge SMNWs with different thicknesses of Ge. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [35] (copyright 2013 American Institute of Physics). |
Spatial confinement of phonons in nanostructures opens up new possibilities for engineering electron–phonon interaction and electron mobility. Formation of electron and phonon minibands in nanostructures with energy gaps between the confined branches may result in phonon bottleneck effect,[36–38] non-monotonic (oscillated) dependence of electron mobility on nanostructure thickness,[39–42] suppression of electron–phonon scattering at certain electron energies, and enhancement of electron mobility.[27,43–45] Nika et al.[27] and Fonoberov et al.[45] showed theoretically that RT electron mobility in Si thin films or Si nanowires with diamond barrier layers is by a factor of 2–4 higher than that in bare Si films or NWs. The enhancement effect was explained by strong modification of phonon energy spectra inside the Si channel layer, leading to reduction of electron-phonon scattering.[27,45]
Although the appearance of confined phonon energy branches in semiconductor nanostructures has been predicted theoretically by many research groups[4–17,24–29] and has been indirectly confirmed by thermal conductivity measurements,[18–23] direct observation of confined acoustic phonon modes was made very recently, using Brillouin–Mandelstam light scattering spectroscopy.[46] Figure
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) Measured and calculated phonon dispersions for a GaAs nanowire with diameter of 122 nm along [111] direction. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [46] (copyright 2016 Nature Publishing Group). |
Monoatomic sheet of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms, graphene, demonstrates unique electrical,[47,48] optical,[49,50] and thermal[51–54] properties owing to quasi two-dimensional electron and heat propagation. Extremely high thermal conductivity[51–54] and electron mobility[55,56] make graphene a promising material for heat-removal applications and electronics. First experimental measurements of thermal conductivity in suspended single-layer graphene (SLG) flakes were performed using Raman optothermal method developed by Balandin and co-workers.[51,54] In this method, laser light was used for heating up graphene flakes suspended over trench, while the temperature rise was extracted from the shift of the Raman G-band. The ultra-high values of RT thermal conductivity
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) (a) Thermal conductivity of graphene as a function of temperature shown for different graphene flake widths. The results were calculated for the specularity parameter p = 0.9. An experimental data point (purple dot) from Refs. [51] and [54] is also shown for comparison. (b) Thermal conductivity of graphene as a function of the density of defects induced by electron beam irradiation. The experimental results are shown by circle points. The solid curves correspond to the BTE results, plotted for different values of specularity parameter p. Adopted with permission from Ref. [63] (copyright 2009 American Physical Society) and from Ref. [80] (copyright 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry). |
Thermal conductivity of graphene supported on a substrate[62] or graphene encased within cladding layers[83] is several times smaller than that of suspended graphene due to phonon scattering on interfaces between graphene and substrate/cladding layers and modification of graphene phonon modes. The experimental and theoretical data on the thermal conductivity of single-layer graphene are summarized in Tables
![]() | Table 1.
Thermal conductivity of single-layer graphene: experimental data. . |
![]() | Table 2.
Thermal conductivity of single-layer graphene: theoretical data. . |
Several interesting results have been obtained in the field of thermal transport in few-layer graphene (FLG) during the last few years.[91,96–110] A series of independent measurements of thermal conductivity in FLG has been performed.[91,96–98] Ghosh et al.[91] reported on the measurements of thickness-dependent thermal conductivity in FLG. Rapid decrease of TC with increase of number of layers from 1 up to 4 was observed and explained theoretically by increase in phase space allowed for three-phonon Umklapp scattering.[91] Jo et al.[96] measured the TC in exfoliated and suspended bilayer graphene (BLG) samples using electro-thermal micro-bridge method and found TC in the range (730–880) ±
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) (a) Thermal conductivity of suspended SLG, AB-BLG, and T-BLG as a function of the measured temperature. (b) Dependence of the difference of the specific heat in T-BLG from that in AB-BLG on the temperature. The inset shows the relative difference between AB-BLG and T-BLG specific heats as a function of temperature. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [60] (copyright 2014 The Royal Society of Chemistry) and from Ref. [103] (copyright 2014 American Institute of Physics). |
Nika et al.[103] and Cocemasov et al.[102,104] have theoretically demonstrated the possibility of phonon engineering of thermal properties of BLG and other 2D layered materials by twisting (rotating) the atomic planes. In these studies,[102–104] the calculations of phonon energy spectra in T-BLG were performed using the Born–von Karman model of lattice dynamics for intralayer atomic interactions and spherically symmetric interatomic potential for interlayer interactions. Nika et al.[103] revealed an intriguing dependence of the specific heat cV in T-BLG on the rotational angle θ, which is particularly pronounced at low temperatures (see Fig.
Limbu et al.[105] reported on the measurement of the RT TC of CVD synthesized polycrystalline T-BLG as a function of grain size employing a noncontact optical technique based on micro-Raman spectroscopy. The measured TC values are
Si et al.[109] employed the EMD simulations to study the effects of torsion on the TC of FLG. TC of 10-layer FLG with torsion angles of 0°, 11.25°, 22.5°, 33.75°, 45°, 67.5°, 90°, 112.5°, and 135° was calculated. The simulations revealed an intriguing dependence of the TC on torsion angles, namely, there is a minimum at torsion angle 22.5° with the lowest TC of
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) holds many physical properties of practical importance such as high thermal conductivity, temperature stability, and excellent impermeability.[111] However, compared to graphene thermal research, there are much less experimental data for the TC of h-BN, although several interesting reports appeared in recent years.[112–114] Zhou et al.[113] measured the TC in suspended 9-layer h-BN sheets synthesized by a low pressure CVD method using the optothermal Raman technique. They found TC in the range
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), one of the transition metal dichalcogenides, has a natural thickness-dependent energy gap,[117,118] which makes it promising for electronic and optoelectronic applications. Recently, there appeared several experimental[119–121] and theoretical[122–125] studies on the thermal transport of single- and few-layer MoS2. Yan et al.[119] reported on a Raman characterization of exfoliated and suspended single-layer MoS2. The RT TC was found to be
Single- and few-layer black phosphorus (phosphorene) is another promising 2D material for future electronics.[127–129] Due to its two distinct high-symmetry directions, denoted as zigzag (ZZ) and armchair (AC), phosphorene demonstrates anisotropic properties which could be useful for an efficient transport management. First theoretical studies of single-layer phosphorene thermal properties were carried out with NEGF[130] and BTE[131] approaches. TC values of
![]() | Fig. 8. (color online) Orientation-dependent thermal conductivity of ![]() |
Qin et al.[136] calculated the RT TC for single-layer phosphorene to be
Recently, experimental reports on TC measurements in single- and few-layer phosphorene based on Raman optothermal,[133] time-domain thermoreflectance,[140,141] and four-probe[142,143] methods, appeared in the literature. The obtained TC values are in the same range as those predicted theoretically and generally correspond to the theoretical findings.
We have reviewed phonon and thermal properties of semiconductor nanostructures (multilayer films, core/shell and segmented nanowires), graphene, and related two-dimensional materials (hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide, and black phosphorus). Controlled modification of phonon modes in semiconductor nanostructures opens up new possibilities for phonon-engineered optimization of electrical and heat transport. Unique features of quasi-two-dimensional phonon transport in graphene and related materials are discussed and comparative analysis of experimental and theoretical data on thermal conductivity in single-layer graphene, few-layer graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide, and black phosphorus is provided.
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